Harmonious Sharing
The new economy requires that as a sociallyresponsible, forward-thinking enterprise we put people first, promote people’slivelihoods, accelerate the reform and opening-up of social undertakings, andbuild a harmonious society that stimulates individuals and enhances socialvitality. In accordance with these principles, Datang Power is committed tofulfilling its responsibility as a corporate citizen and is seeking new ways tobetter impact society and share its achievements with stakeholders. We ensure the legal rights and interestsof our employees and provide platforms for their all-round development. To furthercontribute to society we have deeply rooted the fulfillment of social responsibilityinto our production and operational processes.
Staff Development
As part of Datang China's Party Group andin line with Datang China's spirits, we hold firmly to our core philosophy andfollow a "120-point work standards". This ensures our team is filledwith a strong belief, strict discipline, tenacious attitude, and competitiveness,and guarantees the positive impact of all business activities.
We provide diverse platforms and resourcesto help employees' with their career development plans as well as theirphysical and mental health. We safeguard their lawful rights and interests, andtake the necessary steps to facilitate a harmonious working and livingenvironment.
Respectand Security
To safeguard employees' rights andinterests, we make sure we are in strict compliance with all laws andregulations, and ensure 100% coverage of the labor contract and the collectivecontract. We adhere to "equal pay for equal work", and pay premiumsfrom the housing provident fund and social insurance. We always seek new waysto improve our labor management system and our salary and wellbeing system. Weoppose all forms of discrimination and forced labor. We have taken steps toimprove the democratic management system and have expanded our democratic participationchannels. We have improved our workers' congress system and trade union system,raising the union membership rate to 100 %. We value the suggestions andcomments that we receive from our employees and take steps to ensure their rightto information, participation and supervision, which contributes to thepromotion of democratic management. At the end of 2016, we had 19,817employees, with 4,232 female employees and 1,006 ethnic minority employees.
Training and Development
Talented employees safeguard the competitiveness of our company. To help employees develop professionally we use a specializedtraining system that focuses on on-the-job training. We also hold professionalcompetitions and conduct annual training plans. In 2016, we invested 45.0979million yuan in training programs, organizing 34 professional programs for morethan 2,000 participants, and holding 62 Datang China training programs for morethan 10,000 participants.
Developing professional skills. We are committed to enhancing thecompetence of our employees and have built development platforms that allowthem to demonstrate their talents and achieve their goals. In 2016, ourtechnical training programs fostered 73 certified technicians (increasing ourtotal to 1,204), with 14 certified as senior technicians (increasing our totalto 210).
Born in the 1980s, Lin Xianchao was atypical employee at Inner Mongolia Tuoketuo Power Generation Company. Over thepast five years, however, he has improved his personal skills and developed asa technical expert through self-learning and guidance from mentors andcorporate leaders. As a result, Xianchao was honored as an "excellentskilled employee of Datang Power", a "technical expert of China Datang"by Datang Power, a "technical expert from a state-owned enterprises",and a "young expert from state-owned enterprise" by SASAC.
Health and Wellbeing
Datang Power is devoted to improving boththe working and living conditions of its employees. We have organized variouscultural activities to enrich their lives, and have taken steps to build ahealthy work-life balance. We care for retired employees, female employees, andemployees in need. By offering solutions to practical challenges, we believe weare enhancing our employees’ sense of belonging and happiness.
Caring for our staff's mental health. Chongqing PengshuiHydropower Company organizes counseling activities and conducts customizedquestionnaires for employee to detect depression. The company also publishesinformation pamphlets about depression and related illnesses. To ease thepressures felt by young employees in the workplace, a professor of psychologyfrom Southwest University was invited to lecture on mental phenomena and stressrelief.
Helping young employees find true love. Due to its remotelocation and sparse distribution of personnel, employees at Hebei New EnergyCompany were having difficulty makingnew friends. As a result, the company took the initiative to arrangecross-company activities with other local enterprises so that single employeeswould have an opportunity to communicate and build new friendships—and possiblyfind love.
Win-win Cooperation for Mutual Benefits
Datang Power regularly takes action to enhanceits communication and cooperation with stakeholders and engages in povertyalleviation activities and makes donations to local schools to boost prosperityof economy.
Expanding Exchanges and Cooperation
We conduct business with integrity andshare resources to the greatest extent possible. This approach gives us withthe opportunity to learn from each other in mutually beneficial ways that oftenresult and win-win cooperation. To this end, we have established acomprehensive strategic partnership with our suppliers, promoted the suppliersto lower the impact of production and operation on environment to buildresponsible supply chain, and facilitated cooperation with governments, socialorganizations, partners, scientific research institutions and other stakeholders.By drawing on our advantages in capital, technology and management we can supportlocal initiatives that protect the environment, improve people's lives, andbolster local economic development. On 29 December 2016, we signed a strategiccooperation framework agreement with Lingshui County of Hainan, and the HainanDevelopment Holdings Co. Ltd., to promote green energy projects in Hainanprovince and rectify concerns over a lack of green development initiatives inthe region.
Targeted Poverty Alleviation
Targeting poverty alleviation is a centralstrategy of the central government and we regularly engage with povertyalleviation organizations to offer our technical skills and advantages in managementto help in meaningful ways. To this end, we allocate targeted resources topoverty alleviation projects and provide tailored guidance in accordance withthe specific needs of each situation.
The first power aid project in a Tibetanregion that had no access to electricity was completed in 2016. Threegenerating units from the Tibet Bodui Hydropower Station, each with a capacity of3,200 KW, were put into full operation. In addition to optimizing the powernetwork in Bome County, the project provides a steady supply of power to theregion and is easing thecounty’s power shortage problems. We also conductedpoverty alleviation work to help improve employment opportunities for youngTibetans. To date, eleven staff in the plant are local Tibetans students andlocal citizens are encouraged to participate in construction work with the hydropowerplant.
Supporting Education
Education is an important driver ofsustainable development and we support education in our public social welfareinitiatives. We provide targeted donations to local education programs, supportcultural activities and educational development in regions where we conductactivities to ensure our positive impact on education in impoverished regionsfor future generations.
Datang Class Launched by Zhejiang Wushashan Power GenerationCompany, the "Service to Families" initiative examines left-behindchildren from the Datang Class. Our"service contact card",which allowindividuals to contact us to seek advice, lets us provide voluntary teachingand psychological counselling to children, and send needed daily necessitieslike rice and milk to children regularly to make them feel loved. Ningxia NewEnergy Company also works with children from the Datang Class and is helpingimprove learning conditions in the school by creating a safer and morewelcoming educational environment.