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Guidedby Science and Technology

Innovation is a powerful driving force forthe development of society. By implementing an innovation-driven developmentstrategy, China is promoting technological innova-tion and massentrepreneurship. This approach is stimulating our corporate dynamism byintegrating innovation into the development trajectory of our company andfostering an innovative enterprise that is contributing to economic and social development.

Innovative Enterprises

Our three-tiered(headquarters+professional/regional companies+frontline companies) technologymanagement system is firmly established and and we have now launched numeroustechnological management regulations including the Technology and ScienceReward Regulations of Datang Power, and the Technological Project Regulationsof Datang Power. Drawing on our expertise in technology and innovation, we willcontinue to promote science and technology and independent R&D. In 2016,China Datang headquarters and affiliated companies including Inner MongoliaTuoketuo Power Generation Company, Hebei Zhangjiakou Power Plant, TianjinPanshan Power Generation Company and Chongqing Pengshui Hydropower Company,became the first innovative enterprises in the Group.


Inspiring talented teams to work for ourenterprise is an important part of our organizational success. By focusing onscientific research we are able to encourage employees to explore new ways toimprove our efficiency. Science associations, innovation labs and qualitycontrol circles (QCCs) are just a few of the diverse innovation platforms thatwe use to stimulate employees' potential and cultivate increasedcompetitiveness. At the end of 2016, 28 China Datang innovation labs had beennamed after employees.

Innovative Achievements

Datang Power is committed to theapplication of new research and technologies, techniques, processes, materials andequipment. We will continue to implement National key scientific and technologyprojects to accelerate scientific achievements.In 2016, we had invested 18million yuan in technical innovation projects, and had undertaken 2 projects underthe national "863" program as well as 1 key technology R&Dprograms at the national, ministerial and provincial levels. We also played akey role in the revision of 19 industry standards and obtained 210 new patents.


Editor:dtpowerSource:2016 Social Responsibility Report

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